The Third Annual 2019 Book Blogger Categories: My Nominations ft. Me Boosting + Screaming about my Fave Bloggers!!

Even though I’m very bad at interaction, I love boosting and supporting my fellow book bloggers!

So when I saw May @ Forever and Everly’s (my fave!!) announcement post for the Third Annual Book Blogger Awards, I thought it was a perfect opportunity to recognise and boost all my favourite book bloggers! You should definitely check May’s post if you want to know more about the Awards.

But first, a few disclaimers:

Disclaimer #1: I love so many book bloggers and want to boost you all, and you not getting nominated here does not mean that I don’t love you and your blog! Believe me, my Libra self took two hours to decide and finalize my nominations, as I kept going back and forth between my choices. I am truly pained that I can’t include and boost everyone. I really do my best to nominate as many bloggers as possible, and have therefore really emphasized on making an effort to not repeat book bloggers for multiple categories.

Disclaimer #2: While I am blessed to call so many of these bloggers friends, this doesn’t influence them being on this list. All these bloggers are bloggers I truly love, and I am confident that my nominations would have stayed the same regardless whether I have friendships with these bloggers.

With those out of the way, here are my nominations!

Best of Their Age

Best Pre-Teen/Teen Book Bloggers:

Caitlin @ Caitlin Althea: Caitlin started her blog in early 2019, and she’s quickly becoming one of my favourite bloggers! She is just such a friendly, relatable and lovely person, and it is always a pleasure to interact with her on Twitter. She has such a wide variety of interesting posts and always spotlights a wide array of diverse books.

Aline @ Fully Booked: Aline is on blog hiatus right now, but that means you have a myriad of wonderful posts to catch up on! Aline fits so many categories, so I figured that I nominate her for this category. She has such unique and out-of-the-box ideas, and has fabulous discussion posts in particular. The pink in her blog is absolutely stunning! She is one of the sweetest people ever and is someone you all need to be following now (like all these bloggers here!).

Another Book in the WallKelly @ Another Book In The Wall: Of course I had to nominate Kelly for this category! Besides being the nicest human ever, she has done so much work for teenage representation in book blogging, having set up the Teen Book Bloggers Directory. I truly look up to her as a blogger and a person, and she has deserved all the success she has received.

Best Adult Blogger:

CW @ The Quiet Pond: CW is just a wonderful book blogger, and someone I love with my whole heart. She is constantly educating her readers and the community as a whole, and really made me question my perspective on certain topics. CW is also a brilliant artist, which you can see from her art (that she posts on both her blog and her Twitter) and also from the design of the Quiet Pond as a whole. She is truly such a lovely and supportive human, and constantly takes the time to boost other bloggers’s posts! She also generates fantastic creative posts as a whole, and I love Xiaolong, Gen, Varian and Amina a whole lot.

Read By TiffanyTiffany @ Read By Tiffany: Tiffany is an absolute inspiration to me, and a blogger that I truly look up to. She constantly generates creative and unique posts, and is also a great advocate for diverse books. She has the most beautiful photos in her posts, and her rainbow mood board posts are some of my favourites to read (and to obsess over, of course). She is also the cutest bean in the world like, ever, and she always leaves me with a smile on my face.


Marija @ Inside My Library Mind: Marija is one of those bloggers who I could have nominated for so many categories, so I felt like it only fit that she was nominated here! She has some of the most thoughtful and eloquent discussions I’ve read, a GORGEOUS blog aesthetic, some how-to posts that I consult religiously, and some of the most unique posts I’ve ever seen. She is truly an inspiration and someone I seriously look up to.

Best of Book Blogging

Best Book Reviews:

screenshot-19.pngElise @ The Bookish Actress: Elise is truly one of my favourite people in the community, and consistently churns out the most eloquent and wonderful to read reviews. It is no surprise that Elise is therefore a top Goodreads reviewer, and I have always enjoyed every recommendation of hers that I have read. She is so great at picking books apart, while staying so real and maintaining a real sense of self-awareness in every review she writes.

May @ My 1st Chapter: May is one of the first few bloggers I truly interacted with, and isscreenshot-21.pngΒ such a beautiful soul. Her reviewing skills are absolutely unreal, and I love reading all her in-depth reviews about all the books she reads! She is funny, witty and her reviews have such valid points that I pretty much always agree with. She also just came back from hiatus, and I am excited.

Lily @ Sprinkles of Dreams: Lily is one of my favourite reviewers, and she is just so great at writing reviews. I love the critical lense she uses to analyse books, and her choice of prose in her reviews has me basically swooning with admiration (yes, I’m that person). There is something so magical about her reviews, and I will just be forever in love with her reviewing style. She is on semi-hiatus (and will fully return on the 12th!) and I am so, very excited.

Best Book Recommendations:

Vicky @ Vicky Who Reads: I knew that I had to nominate Vicky for this category as soon as I saw it! Vicky writes up some of my favourite recommendation posts, and she always puts out lots of and the most creative recommendation posts. From posting Asian recommendations as a co-host for this year’s Year of the Asian challenge, or posting a masterlist of romance titles for Valentine’s day, or generating recommendations based off of nouns, Vicky’s blog is the place to go if you’re looking for recommendations of any sort.

Best Discussion Posts:


Ilsa @ A Whisper of Ink: Ilsa is one of the loveliest people in the community, and IloveΒ her and her content as a whole so much (obviously), especially her discussion posts. Her discussion posts are some of the most unique, eloquent and nuanced posts that I have ever read, and she also really well verbalizes how I feel on many topics. She is unafraid to deep dive into topics that the blogging community may be uncomfortable with talking about, and really picks topics apart objectively and critically. She is also one of the smartest bloggers I know, and that really comes through in her discussion posts. I love her so much.

Best Blog Aesthetic:

rose petal pages

Cailin @ Rose Petal Pages: I only discovered Cailin’s blog in around February 2019, and I basically swooned when I saw her blog. Cailin’s blog is so well put together and is breathtakingly exquisite, with a beautiful rose aesthetic throughout her blog. Her featured images are also works of art, and every time I see a new blog post of hers I have to take a few minutes to admire the featured images they have. (And Cailin, thank you for dealing with my Kingsbane screaming. I love you and am blessed to have you in my life).

Kat @ Novels and Waffles: Kat’s blog has one of the most unique aesthetics I have ever screenshot-23.png seen, and I fell in love with her blog aesthetic the minute I saw it. I love the waffle theme and it makes her blog stand out so much. Like, her blog theme could step on me and I’d thank them for it. She also offers an amazing design service, and has helped other book bloggers create the most gorgeous looks.

Best Blogging Voice:

Julianna @ Paper Blots: The majority of the blogger nomination posts I have read have chosen Ju for this category, and I’m not surprised at all. Ju is such a wonderful blogger, and has such a distinctive and hilarious blogging voice that I so strongly vibe with. Every single one of her posts are a pleasure to read,Β  and she has such eye-catching titles that always draw me to her posts. She’s also such a lovely person that I just love so very much πŸ’–


Most Engaged in the Community:

Marie @ Drizzle and Hurricane Books: I knew as soon as I saw this that I HAD to pick Marie from this category. If you see a post, Marie is likely to have commented on it. She is an absolute wizard at interacting, and I’m positive that everyone has nominated her for this category. She features a completely stunning range of blog posts in her monthly round-up of posts, which I always look forward to reading. She is on hiatus now, and I am very excited for her return.

Social Media Influencer:

Melanie @ Mel to the Any: Melanie is one of my favourite bloggers, and is one that everyone is most likely following. She has absolutelyΒ stunningΒ reviews, and is probably one of the most eloquent reviewers I’ve ever read from. She is truly the ASMR queen, and is just so kind to absolutely everybody in the community. She is an outstanding advocate for diverse books and authors, and has a fantastic social media presence. She is an bookish influencer (as well as a Booktube channel, which I am obsessed with) that I wholeheartedly trust and love oh so much.

Best Personality:

May @ Forever and Everly: May is truly one of my favourite people to interact with, both on WordPress and on Twitter. She is absolutely hilarious and I love her writing voice so much – it is relatable, fantastic and so self-aware. She is also just truly such a kind human and so incredibly friendly with everyone she interacts with.

Iris @ Hoard of Books: Iris is such a lovely blogger, and she is another of my favourite screenshot-25.pngpeople to talk to! She is so sweet, wholesome and cute, and her platforms involve her heavily boosting LGBTQIAP+ literature, which I love. She is someone I am extremely blessed to call a friend. Her strong personality and passion come through in every post and video she posts. She also just started her BookTube channel, which you all need to check out as well!

Friendliest Book Blogger:

Sophie @ Me and Ink: I haven’t chatted with Sophie in a while (which I need to change), but every conversation I have had with her has been nothing but positive. She is such a friendly person, and always leaves the most lovely and thoughtful comments on other people’s posts. She is never afraid to extend a helping hand to other bloggers, and is truly a shining light in the community.

Kevin @ Bookevin: Look, you all know I had to slide in another fellow MalaysianΒ blogger! I haven’t talked to Kevin as much as I would have liked to, but I truly enjoy every interaction I have with him. I was lowkey intimidated by Kevin at first, as he comes off as super smart, cool and just an awesome person in general, but he is truly the opposite of intimidating, while still maintaining all his awesome qualities. He is just such a friendly, supportive and nice human, and he makes the community such a positive place to be in.

Promoting Diverse Books:

Shut up, Shealea | She is sunflowers & thunderstormsShealea @ Shut Up, Shealea: When I saw this category, I KNEW I had to nominate Shealea for this category. Shealea does so much work to promote and push forward diverse books, which can be seen through her various initiatives. She created and co-hosts the amazing Year of the Asian reading challenge, created the Asian Bloggers Directory, runs Caffeine Book Tours and is about to run Augvocacy for next month, which in her own words, “amplifies Asian voices in books and in media.” As an Asian teen blogger, I could never be grateful enough for Shealea doing all that she does, and I am incredibly excited for all her projects. I would be so happy if I could be half as good a blogger as Shealea is, frankly.

Fadwa @ Word Woonders: Fadwa is another shining light in the community for promoting diverse books. Her blog constantly features reviews and content centred around diverse books. Fadwa has created various initiatives to promote diverse voices, such as her Muslim Voices Rise Up series and her #diversebookbloggersdiscuss. It is evident that she constantly makes an effort to feature intersectional books, which I love. Fadwa is just another book blogger that I really look up to and have the utmost respect and admiration for.

Most Importantly:

New Book Blogger:

Laura Herondale's Book Blog

Laura @ Laura Herondale: Laura recently started her book blog in March 2019, and has quickly become both a book blogger that I love and a dear friend. I am very sad that she is on hiatus now, and I am so excited for her return to hiatus and for her to come to Singapore so we can hang out (though I’ll be in Bangkok most of the time). She leaves the most delightful comments, and has truly such an entertaining and lovely personality. Her Twitter is probably one of my favourite accounts, with her talking about her chaotic schoolday stories, which I LOVE.

Best Small Book Blogger:

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Lais @ the Bookish Skies: Lais is such a fantastic blogger and human, and I am in love with everything about her and her blog. She has such a wide range of posts (which include books, music, lifestyle etc.) and posts some of my favourite discussions out there. I am absolutely enamoured with her blog’s minimal aesthetic, and she leaves the most wonderful and thoughtful comments ever. She has lots of awesome posts surrounding Brazil, and did I mention that she is a South American book blogger? Hello please yes we need more South American blogger. You all need to stop sleeping on her blog and follow her, like 3 seconds ago.

Best Overall Book Blogger

May @ Forever and Everly: I KNOW I said I was going to do my best to not nominate book bloggers for multiple categories, but I had to make an exception for May, which is only fitting since she is running these awards. May fits nearly every category here, and I am obsessed with everything pertaining to her blog – her blogging voice and personality, blog aesthetic, discussion posts, reviews – you name it, I love it. I would read a shopping list written by her. She is so friendly, leaves the most wonderful comments, and I love her with all my heart. Despite what she thinks of herself, she does so much for the community and has fantastic engagement. I truly am incapable of shutting up about May and her blog, and just … please check her blog out NOW.

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Who are your favourite book bloggers? Are any of your favourite book bloggers on this list? Are you nominating anyone for the blogger awards? I would love to know all your thoughts.

Please link me to your blogger nomination posts (if applicable) because I’d love to read them and discover new bloggers! Also, thank you to everyone who nominated me! I haven’t commented on everyone’s posts yet, but I will do my best to do so ASAP.

Once again, don’t forget to unfollow me and follow everyone in this post!Β I’m kidding (not really).

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45 thoughts on “The Third Annual 2019 Book Blogger Categories: My Nominations ft. Me Boosting + Screaming about my Fave Bloggers!!

  1. Aww Taasia, you’re so sweet and enthusiastic! I’m dying to check out these blogs now. ❀ I discovered your blog when you promoted a friend’s blog in a post. You’re such a delight to have in the community. Thank you for uplifting other voices!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Aww Ama! Thank you for your lovely comment ❀ There are so many amazing blogs here that I’m sure you’ll love upon checking them out, because they’re all Perfection. Seriously, those last two sentences have me tearing up, thank you so much omg πŸ˜­πŸ’–

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m not crying. I swear.
    Okay I’m crying just a little bit because AHHHHH 😭 😭 😭
    It’s such an honor to be mentioned here and thank you so, so much for your sweet words they honestly mean so, so much to me 😭 ❀ ❀
    I LOVE all of your nominations so much, there are a couple of bloggers here I am not too familar with and I will have to check them out for sure! Thank you for spreading the love and thank you again for everything ahh ily so much 😭 ❀

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Ahhh ily!! You’re so sweet and ofc I had to say all those things, because you’re amazing and they’re absolutely true πŸ’–πŸ’– I hope you find a bunch of new blogs here, and I’m so glad that we love the same blogs! We have impecable taste ahah πŸ˜‰ You’re welcome and thank YOU for everything! I love you MORE!! πŸ’“

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Taasia!!! This seriously made me tear up! I totally don’t deserve all the praise, but I am so grateful for all your kind words. You are seriously too nice to me! And it’s very fitting that I nominated you for the teen category and you nominate me for the adult one – it’s so cute?? we are precious?? anyway, thank you so much for this, you’ve made my week, you are the sweetest and I cannot wait to check out all the blogs you’ve mentioned here! ❀️❀️❀️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Marija! You’re amazing and deserve all the love, so ofc I had to nominate you ❀ Yeah it really is fitting and coincidental that happened, and I love it omg. You’re very welcome! I love ya and you’re the sweetest shdhdhdjd πŸ’˜πŸ’˜ i hope you find lots of new blogs from this post!!


  4. Okay, I know I already said on Twitter that I couldn’t form a coherent response, but that’s still true hours later!!! I’m almost honestly crying at everything you said about me, and it means the absolute world that you… just did THAT. I feel so so blessed to know you, and just… thank you with all my heart. I can’t come up with anything to say that’s just not me crying forever πŸ˜­πŸ’•
    And of course, thank you so much for participating!! I love everything you said about the other bloggers here, and I’m definitely checking out some blogs that I don’t follow already πŸ’–

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH SO OFC I HAD TO NOMINATE YOU!! You and your blog are all time favs, and thank YOU for everything you do and just existing. Eternally blessed and grateful to know you and to be able to call you a friend πŸ’–πŸ’– You’re such a blessing and a bright light in the community πŸ’• Thank YOU for reviving the awards! I’ve loved seeing the blogger love go around, it makes me so happy! I hope you find some new blogs from this list, because they’re all awesome omg πŸ’–

      Liked by 1 person

  5. TAASIA YOU’RE MAKING ME SO EMOTIONAL 😭❀️ FASJLKFJASKLF WAHHHHH!! I’m honestly so honored to be listed as one of your favorite adult bloggers. It honestly means so much that you consider me an advocate for diverse books. I don’t think I do as great of a job as many others in the community, but I’m glad that you think so!!
    I believe it is YOU who is the cutest bean. I could just shower you with a million hugs right now. Thanks for making my day~

    Liked by 1 person

    1. TIFFANY I LOVE YA!!! You deserve all the love and praise and affection omg πŸ’• You do amazing at advocating for diverse books and I love all your recs! And no, you’re THE cutest!! Sending so many virtual hugs to you, glad I could help make your day better πŸ’—πŸ’—

      Liked by 1 person

  6. omg thank youuuuuuu! this made me smile so much hggfhgjgfhd. ilyyyyyy β€οΈπŸ’•πŸ§‘πŸ’›πŸ’™πŸ’šπŸ’œπŸ’πŸ’–πŸ’—β£οΈ
    And ahhhh this reminds me I need to post my own nominations post, which I wrote like a week ago and then forgot to post! πŸ™ˆ

    Liked by 1 person

    1. ily MORE πŸ’˜β€πŸ’“πŸ’•πŸ’–πŸ’—πŸ’™πŸ’šπŸ’›πŸ’œπŸ–€πŸ’πŸ’žπŸ’Ÿβ£πŸ’Œ (i swear i’m not trying to restart our love battle, but this is facts). i NEED to check your nomimations post ASAP ahh πŸ’–πŸ’–

      Liked by 1 person

  7. TAASIA!! So sorry to be just commenting on this now! But ahhhhhh this. Post!! I’m so honored that you thought of me and that I was featured alongside all of these amazing bloggers πŸ’–πŸ’– and ahh same Kat’s blog design is amazing, and you talked bout so many of my faves! Thank you for everything you said in this post πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ’“

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Caitlin ily omg πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’— You and your blog are my faves so OFC i had to nominate you and boost you! Kat’s blog design is really art, isn’t it? I’m glad that there are so many faves here 😊 all my love πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–


  8. Taasia, you are an absolute angel, and I adore you!! Your kind words honestly mean the world to me, and I’m just,,, going to dissolve into a puddle of tears now. 😭 😭
    Thank you so much for your nomination and I can’t wait to check out some of the bloggers I don’t know yet. πŸ’—

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Lily, YOU are an absolute angel and deserve the absolute world! You’re too kind and omg your compliments are making me cry omg 😩😭 Ily πŸ’– I hope you find some awesome new bloggers that you love from here! Hope you’re having an amazing day, love! πŸ’—


  9. YOU ARE TOO NICE TO ME. I’M LITERALLY CRYING HERE AND AM DESPERATELY TRYING NOT TO GET MY TEARS ON MY KEYBOARD. *okay that’s enough cap lock I think* But seriously, thank you so much for your kind words and for your nomination. It means the world to me. I am just a puddle of happiness right now.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. taasia, i’ve said this before, but your comment on my blog LEGIT brought tears to my eyes. thank you so much for always being the kindest since my first day back to blogging. i’ve been sort of MIA recently, so it means a lot that you remembered of me and still nominated me! i’m sososooooo thankful for your kind words and i’m really honored to have you mention me, since i absolutely adore your blog, your posts, your aesthetic and who you are in general! it means a lot coming from you! once again, thank you so much for nominating me alongside with other phenomenal bloggers! you’re the bestπŸ’›

    Liked by 2 people

    1. lais! you’re too lovely and wonderful omg, i ADORE you and your blog so ofc I had to nominate you! πŸ’– aw now you’re making me cry, i can’t even ahhh 😭 you’re truly too kind!! no, that’s all you! you’re the best πŸ˜©πŸ’•

      Liked by 1 person

  11. I can’t believe I’m only now commenting on this, but: you already know that I love you A LOT!!! And your blog!!! And you’re so lovely and kind and nice and I don’t deserve any of the words that you said!!!!! (I’m most definitely nominating you, although I’m probably going to do it through the form, not a post.)

    Liked by 2 people

  12. I’m so sorry if this is a duplicate comment– I think some of my comments haven’t gone through recently so I’m sorry!! 😭
    But I love reading this so much and all the lovely words you have to say about everyone!! It is so great to see and you put so much thought into all the words and it was wonderful to read. And I have found some new blogs to follow so thank you!!
    And thank you so much for nominating me– I am so honoured and I can’t thank you enough. It means so much to me and you are too kind Taasia!! Honestly thank you so much!!! And you said such lovely things 😭😭 thank you so much again!! πŸ’• *hugs you*
    Wonderful post– I loved reading it!! ❀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. No, please don’t worry about it! Thank you so much for your sweet comments, Sophie! I hope you love the new blogs that you found! You’re too kind and lovely, I adore you and your blog so very much! *sends hug back* You’re too sweet, Sophie! So much love ❀

      Liked by 1 person

  13. Taasia it honestly means the world to me that you nominated me for a book blogger award, thank you so much *cries* Your support of me and my blog is one of my biggest motivators when I’m feeling discouraged about my blog (which happens quite a bit) so thank you so so much. All the other bloggers you’ve nominated are also so incredible and so many of my faves are on this list! I loved reading your nominations for everyone and can’t wait to check out the new blogs I’ve discovered from this post.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ahhh of course! I love you and your blog so I need to boost it to absolutely everyone ❀ Omg that’s so sweet and I’m glad I could be that person for you! Please don’t feel discouraged, because your blog is so wonderful! I’m glad you love all the other bloggers because they’re the best! Thank you for your kind words ans I hope you find new favourite blogs from this post! Happiest of reading πŸ’–


    1. HI I LOVE YOU!! don’t you mean I don’t deserve YOU and neither does the universe? i’m crying 😭😭 sending all my love and appreciation right back πŸ’œπŸ’˜β€πŸ’“πŸ’•πŸ’–πŸ’—πŸ’™πŸ’šπŸ’›πŸ’œπŸ–€πŸ’πŸ’žπŸ’Ÿβ£πŸ’Œ i love you times infinity!1!1!


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